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Waitlist Administration

The waitlist feature allows you to manage a list of clients who are waiting for a specific lot to become available. You can add clients to the waitlist manually from the admin panel.

Or clients can add themselves to the waitlist from the online booking page.

client acquisition overview

Waitlist Overview

The waitlist overview provides a summary of the clients who are currently on the waitlist. The grid displays the client's name, email, phone number, arrival date, departure date, and the lot they are waiting for.

It also indicates if the waitlist has been forfilled or notified via email.

Waitlist Status:

  • Notified: The client has been notified via email.
  • Waitlist Fulfilled: The client has been removed from the waitlist.
  • Expired: The client has not been notified and the waitlist has expired.

    client acquisition overview

Adding a Client to the Waitlist

To add a client to the waitlist, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Waitlist panel located under the Config menu.
  • Click on the Add Client button.
  • Enter the arrival and departure dates for the reservation.
  • Enter the Wait untill Date which is the date the client is willing to wait for the lot to become available.
  • Enter the client's name, email, phone number, and the lot they are waiting for.
  • Click Add to add the client to the waitlist.

    client acquisition popup

Editing a Client on the Waitlist

To edit a client on the waitlist, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Waitlist panel located under the Config menu.
  • Double click on the waitlist item you want to edit.
  • Make the necessary changes to the client's information.
  • Click Save to save your changes.

    client acquisition enable disable

Removing a Client from the Waitlist

To remove a client from the waitlist, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Waitlist panel located under the Config menu.
  • Select the waitlist item you want to remove.
  • Click on the Remove Client button.

    client acquisition date range

Waitlist Email Template

The waitlist email template allows you to customize the email that is sent to clients when they are added to the waitlist. You can include placeholders in the email template that will be replaced with the client's information when the email is sent.

To customize the waitlist email template, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Config menu.
  • Click on the Email panel.
  • Select the Client Waitlist Email template.
  • Edit the email template as needed.
  • Click Save to save your changes.

    client acquisition date range

The waitlist online booking link placeholder will create a link in the email that the client can click on to book the lot they are waiting for if the lot is available for online booking.

If the lot is not available for online booking the booking link will be replaced with a message indicating that the lot is not available for online booking and replaced with the campground's phone number.

client acquisition date range

Controling the Waitlist Feature

The waitlist feature can be enabled or disabled on a per lot basis. To enable or disable the waitlist feature for a lot, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Lots panel.
  • Double click on the lot you want to edit.
  • Scroll down to the bottom.
  • Toggle the Waitlist switch to enable or disable the waitlist feature.
  • Click Save to save your changes.

    client acquisition date range

Bulk Enable/Disable Waitlist

You can bulk enable or disable the waitlist feature for multiple lots at once. To bulk enable or disable the waitlist feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Lots panel.
  • Select the lots you want to enable or disable the waitlist feature for by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the lots you want to select. or by clicking on the Select All button in the toolbar.

  • Click on the Bulk Edit button.

  • Toggle the Waitlist switch to enable or disable the waitlist feature.
  • Click Save to save your changes.

    client acquisition date range