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Client Acquisition

The Client Aquisition section of the dashboard provides insights into how clients are finding your campground. This information can help you identify which marketing channels are most effective and make informed decisions about where to allocate your marketing budget.

The client acquisition popup is presented to your clients when they book a reservation. This popup asks the client how they heard about your campground. The client can select from a list of predefined sources or enter a custom source. This information is then displayed in the client acquisition section of the dashboard.

client acquisition overview

What is Presented to the Client

When a client books a reservation, they will be presented with a popup that asks them how they heard about your campground. The client can select from a list of predefined sources or enter a custom source. This information is then displayed in the client acquisition section of the dashboard.

client acquisition popup

Enabling and Disabling Client Acquisition

To enable or disable the client acquisition popup, toggle the Client Acquisition switch located at the top of the client acquisition section. When the switch is enabled, the client acquisition popup will be displayed to clients when they book a reservation. When the switch is disabled, the client acquisition popup will not be displayed.

client acquisition enable disable

Client Acquisition Date Range

The client acquisition is controleld by the date range selector. You can choose from predefined seasonal dates ranges, such as 2022, 2023, or specify a custom date range. When you select a date range, the client acquisition section will update to display data for that period.

client acquisition date range

Client Acquisition Pie Chart

From the client acquisition section you can see a pie chart that shows the percentage of clients that are coming from each source. You can also see the total number of clients that have booked a reservation from each source.

client acquisition pie chart

Client Acquisition Sources

The client acquisition sources section provides a breakdown of the sources that clients have selected when booking a reservation. This information can help you identify which marketing channels are most effective and make informed decisions about where to allocate your marketing budget.

Client Acquisition Source Details

The client acquisition source details section provides a detailed breakdown of the sources that clients have selected when booking a reservation.

  • Source Name: The source that the client selected when booking a reservation.
  • Clients: The total number of clients that have booked a reservation from this source.
  • Last Entry: The date of the last reservation that was made from this source.
  • Percentage: The percentage of clients that are coming from this source.

client acquisition source details

Editing a Source

To edit a source, click on the Edit button next to the source that you want to edit. This will open a popup that allows you to edit the name of the source.

client acquisition edit source

Adding a New Source

To add a new source, click on the Add button. This will open a popup that allows you to enter the name of the new source.

client acquisition add source

Deleting a Source

To delete a source, click on the Edit button next to the source that you want to delete. This will open a popup that allows you to then click on the Delete button to delete the source.

Disabling a Source

Disabling a source will prevent clients from seeing that source when entering how they heard about your campground. This can be useful if you want to temporarily disable a source without deleting it.

To disable a source, click on the Edit button next to the source that you want to disable. This will open a popup that allows you to then click on the Disable button to disable the source.

client acquisition disable source

Disabled Source

When a source is disabled, it will be displayed in the list with a disabled icon next to it. Clients will not see disabled sources when entering how they heard about your campground.

Other Sources

The Other Sources section provides a breakdown of the sources that clients have entered when booking a reservation. Note: This section will always be displayed at the bottom of the list when presented to your clients.

client acquisition other sources

Viewing User Responses from Other Sources

To view the user responses from the Other Sources section, click on the View Responses button. This will open a popup that displays the responses that clients have entered when booking a reservation.

client acquisition view responses

Changing the Order of Sources

To change the order of sources, click on the Edit button next to the source that you want to move. This will open a popup that allows you to then click on the Move Up or Move Down button to change the order of the source.

client acquisition change order