Pitch Camp Reservation System
Login screen to your account.
Once you have logged into the system, you will have access to quick graphics outlining your seasonal dates, reservations by status, people on the campground, client types, arriving soon, the number of reservation by arrival date whether daily, monthly or yearly and a graphic of your number of reservations by creation date whether daily, monthly or yearly.
Filters – there are reservation filters that you can personalize which you can access by clicking the down arrow.
You have the option of resetting the filters to the original filters by
clicking the Reset Filters button.
Once done personalizing your filters, you can close this view by clicking the up arrow.
Icons on reservation screen:
Create a new reservation
**Toggle view (**brings you to the Gantt chart so you can view the
reservation on a calendar). Click on toggle view icon again and it
brings you back to the reservation screen.
Print Grid (this opens up the reservation screen in a printable
version where you can select which columns you wish to print as you may
not want to print all the columns).
You can select which information you want printed on your report by clicking the column selection information on the left. Once you have all the information you require for your report, click on the printer icon at the top of the screen.
You can search any reservation information on this screen
Click in the search field below the column name. Also, scroll the bottom bar to see all columns to your right.
Different ways of doing a search:
Res Status Search cancelled, complete or incomplete.
Res Number Search by reservation number.
Conflicts Conflict with a reservation - Yes or No
Client Flag Green (no issues with customer), Yellow (has a note on file),
Red (Do not reserve to this customer)
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Arrival Date All reservations arriving on a specific date
Departure Date All reservations leaving on a specific date
# of nights # of nights for each reservation
Total Total amount of reservation
Payment Reservation payment amount
Outstanding Any amount still outstanding on reservation
Signed Waiver All signed documents are shown in this field
Creation Date Date on which reservation was created
State Not arrived, On Hold, Cancelled, Checked-In, Checked-Out
Online Reservation was made online
Online Notes Any notes the customer would have added to the online reservation
Email Sent Whether it was sent Automatic, Manual, Not sent
Client Type Seasonal, Weekender
Gate Access Number Assigned to the customer
Email address Email address on file to send a copy of the reservation
User online account Email address online user
Phone Number Home phone
Cell Number Cell number
License Plate # Of the vehicle registered for the reservation
Insurance Expiry For seasonal employees only, quick search on expired policies
Adults Number of adults registered on the site
Children Number of children registered on the site
Animals Animals on reservation, if any or how many
Client Notes Any notes about the customer on reservation (ie: golf cart onetime fee payment date)
Features - Main screen:
If you have your curser on one line it will highlight the reservation you wish to open.
If your curser is in the payment field of the reservation, it will open a box and give you the payment information on that reservation without having to go in the reservation.
If you double click the outstanding payment field in a reservation, it will open the reservation.
If you click on the 3 dots
in the outstanding field, it pops-up a New Payment feature
when you click on the
sign, it opens the payment window.
State Field
Click on the 3 dots
in the state field and you can select Checked In or Checked Out from
this screen without having to into the actual reservation.
Reservation Status
Click on the 3 dots
in the reservation status field and you can select Active, Cancel or
Cancel with cancellation rules.
Before sorting, your screen will have all information as entered originally in the reservation system. When sorting information, click on the name of the column at top of screen.
As an example, click Res Status. This will sort all reservations upwards
in alphabetical order (Cancelled, Completed, Expired, Incomplete,
Click on Res Status again, and it will sort
This is applicable to all columns.