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Lot Online Availability

Online lot availability provides control over the visibility of your lots on the online booking page. By default, lots are available based on your seasonal dates. However, this feature allows you to extend availability beyond these dates or even year-round.

This is particularly beneficial for lots available for short periods outside the seasonal dates, or those available throughout the year.

Please note, this feature only affects the online booking page. It does not limit lot availability within the admin reservation system.

Lot Availability Types

There are 3 types of lot availability:

  • Seasonal - Represents the default lot availability type. The lot becomes available for online booking only during the specified seasonal dates.
  • Year Round - Indicates that the lot is perpetually available for online booking, irrespective of seasonal dates.
  • Scheduled - Specifies that the lot's availability for online booking is strictly based on predetermined scheduled dates.

How Seasonal Lot Availability Works

By default your lots will only be available to the online booking page based on your seasonal dates. This means that if you have a lot that is available for a short period of time outside of your seasonal dates or if you have lots that are available year round you will need to change the lot availability type to Always or Scheduled.

How Year Round Lot Availability Works

If you change the lot availability type to Year Round this means that the lot will always be available to the online booking page regardless of your seasonal dates. Therefore when your clients are booking online they will have access to year round dates from the online booking calendar. However, only lots that are available for the selected dates will be available for booking.

How Scheduled Lot Availability Works

If you change the lot availability type to Scheduled this means that the lot will only be available to the online booking page based on the scheduled dates. Therefore when your clients are booking online they will have access to the scheduled dates from the online booking calendar. However, only lots that are available for the selected dates will be available to book.

How to Change Lot Availability Type

  1. Navigate to Lots from the main menu.
  2. Select the lot you wish to edit by double clicking on the lot.
  3. Scroll down to the Online Availability section.
  4. Select the Online Availability from the drop down menu.
  5. Click Save.

How to Schedule Lot Availability

Note: There are no limits to the number of scheduled availability dates you can add to a lot.

  1. Navigate to Lots from the main menu.
  2. Select the lot you wish to edit by double clicking on the lot.
  3. Scroll down to the Online Availability section.
  4. Select the Scheduled from the drop down menu.
  5. Click the Add button under the Scheduled Availability section.
  6. Select the Start Date and End Date from the calendar.
  7. Click Save.

How to Update Several Lots at Once

Using the bulk update feature you can update the availability type for several lots at once.

  1. Navigate to Lots from the main menu.
  2. Select the lots you wish to edit in the grid by selecting them using the Shift or Ctrl keys.
  3. Click the Bulk Update button located in the top right of the page.
  4. Select the Online Availability from the drop down menu.

  5. Select the Type of Online Availability from the drop down menu you wish to apply to the selected lots.

  6. Click Save.

Online Availability on the Grid

You can see the online availability type for each lot on the grid. The online availability type is displayed in the Online Availability column.

  • When the Scheduled online availability type is hovered over a tooltip will appear displaying the scheduled availability dates. Also a badge will appear beside the Scheduled online availability type indicating the number of scheduled availability dates for that lot.

Online Availability on the Booking Page Calendar

The online Booking Page Calendar's availability is based on the online availability type of the lot.


  • If a lot is set to Seasonal then the calendar will display the seasonal dates as an available date range for booking.

  • If a lot is set to Year Round then the calendar will display all dates.

  • If there are lots that are set to Scheduled then the calendar will display those scheduled dates as an available date range for booking.

  • If you have lots that are Seasonal and Scheduled then the calendar will display the seasonal dates and the scheduled dates as an available date range for booking.

    • In the image below the calendar is displaying the seasonal dates and the scheduled date as an available date range for booking.
    • The seasonal dates are displayed in Red and the scheduled dates are displayed in Green as an illustration for this example.

Unavailable Lots on the Booking Page

The online Booking Page's availability is based on the online availability type of the lot.

  • If a lot is not available for the selected dates then the lot will not be displayed on the booking page unless the Show Unavailable Lots option is selected.

  • Unavailable lots displayed on the booking page will be marked as Unavailable and list the Available Dates for which the lot is available for booking.