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Blocked Reservations

Blocked reservations are used to bloc off a lot for a specific period of time. Blocked reservations are not associated with a client and are not subject to any fees on your subscription.


Blocked reservations are also displayed in the grid view and can be filtered out from the advanced filters section. If filtering out the Blocked reservations please note this will also hide them from the timeline.

Creating a Blocked Reservation

  • To create a blocked reservation first go to the calendar view by selecting the Calendar View tab from the top of the reservations panel.

  • Then double click on the desired lot and select the New Blocked Reservation option from the action buttons located beside the new reservation timeline item.


    You can also create a blocked reservation by selecting the New Blocked Reservation option from popup tooltip when hovering over the new reservation timeline item.

Editing a Blocked Reservation

  • To edit a blocked reservation from the timeline first make sure the Calendar View is in Edit mode then you'll be able to move the blocked reservation to a different lot or change the start and end dates by dragging the start or end of the blocked reservation.

Deleting a Blocked Reservation

  • To delete a blocked reservation from the timeline simply hover over the blocked reservation and slick on the delete icon which appears to the right of the item.

  • Blocked reservation can also be deleted from the grid view by selecting the Delete option from the reservation status column.