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Stripe Terminal Payments

The terminal reader can be used for both POS and Reservation payments.

POS Payments

To process a payment using the terminal reader, follow these steps:

At the payment screen, select the Stripe Terminal payment method. If you have more than one terminal reader, select the terminal reader you want to use for the payment.

Stripe Terminal Payment

Enter the payment amount in the Stripe Terminal Reader field.

Stripe Terminal Payment Amount

Click on the PAYMENT button to process the payment. The terminal reader will display the payment amount and prompt the customer to insert, swipe, or tap their card to complete the transaction.

Stripe Terminal Register Reader

Offline Stripe Terminal Reader

If your terminal reader is offline at the time of payment follow these steps:

  • Ensure to power on the terminal reader.
  • Connect the terminal reader to the campground's Wi-Fi network. Note: if the terminal reader was previously connected to the Wi-Fi network, it will automatically reconnect.
  • Once the terminal reader is connected to the Wi-Fi network, click on the Refresh button to update the terminal reader status.

Stripe Terminal Offline